100% Certified & Traceable Products

We offer our customers only 100% certified and traceable products. The passion that we always put into our work leads us to guarantee products that respect the requirements of traceability of the supply chain, artisanal controlled craftsmanship, natural cultivation, consolidated tradition of the producer and quality certifications.

Quality First

The company sells its fresh and frozen products throughout the Baltics and beyond. Our strategically located warehouse in Kaunas, Lithuania, along with our logistics services ranging from truckloads to mixed pallets, allows us to tailor programs that meet our customers needs.

Why Choose Us?

Gourmet Select Importas is the go-to supplier for high-quality catering. It boldly and passionately continues its search for the best possible ingredients, often unfamiliar to most, in order to satisfy new trends in consumer behavior.

90 Vendors

Prime products from over 90 vendors.

Certified Products

Only 100% certified and traceable products.

1,600 References

Over 1,600 references in 12 categories.

White Label

Private labeling under your own brand name.

Today the company stands out for offering its prime products from over 90 vendors, to respond to the demands of the high-profile category of food operators in the EU and abroad.